Crocheted Baby Kimono and Birdie
Here's a little crocheted kimono top and baby bird I made for my cousin's Rozanne's imminent gender-unknown munchkin. These pieces particularly please my frugal soul, since they're made from the remnant yarn from Kevin's Christmas socks. :-) It's self-striping, soft, and silky. Sorry I didn't write down the yarn name!

Now the next question is what to make for baby Ursula, born three-and-a-half months early, coming home from the NICU in a few weeks... Any suggestions on what's particularly helpful to parents of a preemie?
I really love the way they turned out. Kimono pattern is improvised; baby bird is courtesy Craftypants -- I used her wing modification on the original pattern. Easy, but a bit painstaking to get the shaping right. Lots of counting!

Now the next question is what to make for baby Ursula, born three-and-a-half months early, coming home from the NICU in a few weeks... Any suggestions on what's particularly helpful to parents of a preemie?
How about a small blanket? Something around 18" square that won't overwhelm the little one. It's also useful to cover her back while mom or dad holds her to their chest (something I believe is especially recommended for premies).
wee tiny hats. my son was a preemie (1lb 6oz) and there were NO hats to fit.
the 18" square blanket is a great idea too, since it becomes a car seat blanket and a lovie.
really the biggest thing was dinner. I would have wept on the feet of anyone who would make dinner for us ;)
I love the colors of your FOs--so perfect for a TBD baby and very sophisticated.
Dinner sounds like the best thing to make, even if it doesn't require needles. Or a gift certificate to a local restaurant with take-out. We did that for our neighbors when they had a medical disaster and they loved it; evidently, they enjoyed reviewing the menu and making their choices as much as they enjoyed eating the food.
so adorable, and love the colors! I would say a med size blanket. I so appreciated mine when daughter was born, so handy!
I think I'm going to go with a small blanket and a gift certificate -- I'd love to cook them dinner, but they live many states away, sadly. Thanks for the suggestions!
The baby kimono is beautiful...
I was thinking that a gift certificate to a take out restaurant would be awesome...there is so much to do with a premie - that taking the time to cook is just a fleeting thought!
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