Monday, November 26, 2007

Pin Winner!

The Great Random Number Generator has spoken and it says, "Congratulations to 'Pearl', the winner of the knitting pin." Pearl, please email me with your snail mail address at and I'll send you your fun knitting pin.

BTW, the Random Number Generator I consulted uses "atmospheric noise" to generate true random numbers, as opposed to the pseudo-random numbers generated by computer algorithms. Evidently, this method makes numbers more random somehow so it's used by lotteries, scientists and artists. The service has been operating since 1998 and is maintained by a lecturer at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. I don't understand what any of this means (except the last sentence) but thought someone else might understand it and be interested.

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Blogger kshotz said...

WTG Pearl! Congrats on the winning number!

5:33 PM  

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