Of pups and projects
This handsome fellow is my dog, Snoopy, modeling the sweater I made for him. It was a made-up-as-I-went-along project, and I'm pleased with how it came out. The yarn is Lion brand Wool-ease that was orginally crocheted into the poncho-that-never-ended. I ripped it out and used it for this fetching sweater instead.
After two false starts, I finally got going on my socks. This is a cable sock pattern from an ancient needlework book that once belonged to my mother. The perspective in this photo makes the top part of the sock look ridiculously narrow but trust me, they fit fine. I've been too busy with a book deadline to make much progress on them lately, but I'm hoping to finish them soon so I can wear them.
Lastly, so she won't be left out, here's my other dog, Katie. She's a chow/border collie mix (a chowder collie) who needs no sweater, having a thick coat of her own. As you can see, she loves the snow. This was taken yesterday in my front yard, after a foot of snow fell Tuesday. Katie is the newest member of our family, having lived with us only a little over two weeks. Our older dog recently died of cancer and we were a very sad bunch, missing her. Adopting Katie helped fill that hole in our hearts, and Snoopy is very glad to have a canine companion again.

This handsome fellow is my dog, Snoopy, modeling the sweater I made for him. It was a made-up-as-I-went-along project, and I'm pleased with how it came out. The yarn is Lion brand Wool-ease that was orginally crocheted into the poncho-that-never-ended. I ripped it out and used it for this fetching sweater instead.
After two false starts, I finally got going on my socks. This is a cable sock pattern from an ancient needlework book that once belonged to my mother. The perspective in this photo makes the top part of the sock look ridiculously narrow but trust me, they fit fine. I've been too busy with a book deadline to make much progress on them lately, but I'm hoping to finish them soon so I can wear them.

Lastly, so she won't be left out, here's my other dog, Katie. She's a chow/border collie mix (a chowder collie) who needs no sweater, having a thick coat of her own. As you can see, she loves the snow. This was taken yesterday in my front yard, after a foot of snow fell Tuesday. Katie is the newest member of our family, having lived with us only a little over two weeks. Our older dog recently died of cancer and we were a very sad bunch, missing her. Adopting Katie helped fill that hole in our hearts, and Snoopy is very glad to have a canine companion again.

Snow?!?!?!? It's snowing there?!?!!? I'm glad I live here in tropical New Jersey!
Love the dog photos and the beautiful socks! The canine sweater is wonderful. Somehow designing your own project is especially satisfying, isn't it?
I'm so sorry to hear of your dog's death. We just lost our much-loved golden retriever to cancer so you have my deepest sympathy.
Thank you, Nancy. Shelby was 13 and we'd had her since she was 6 months old. she was a Belgian Malinois. I still miss her terribly, but Katie is a treat and has really cheered me up.
I'm in the mountains of Colorado. Good thing I love snow!
Your pups are so cute! And the socks look nice and cushy. Now, just as long as the youngster doesn't develop a taste for wool...
I love it! Chowder Collie. Katie and Snoopy are so cute, and Snoopy looks wonderful in his new duds.
Cindi, we were in Colorado Springs this summer for vacation and just loved it. Are you anywhere near there?
Nancy I am in Bailey, a truly lovely community in the mountains Southwest of Denver that probably everyone knows about now for all the wrong reasons. I'm about 90 minutes west of Colorado Springs.
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