Dry Feet

They were striping nicely the first time I attempted them, but about twenty rows in, I realized they were going to be too big, so I ripped it all out and started over -- to find that at the correct size for Kevin's feet, this yarn pools (makes pools of color) instead of stripes. A bit annoying, but oh well. As long as he likes them, we're good.
I was going to make a matching pair of baby socks for Kavi, which would have been so cute on Christmas morning, but I totally ran out of time. Sigh. I did manage to surprise Kevin because while he knew he was getting hand-made socks, he thought he was just getting the pair I'd made earlier. He didn't know that was just a practice pair! I love holiday surprises. He surprised me good last year, so this was particularly satisfying.

Next year, no holiday knitting/crocheting in the week before Christmas. If it's not done by a week before, it's not happening. Just too stressful! But it was awfully nice to give so many handmade gifts this year; very satisfying. And so lovely seeing both Kevin and Ron wearing their socks a few days later. Yay! I just need to start holiday gifts earlier next time around. September should be about right.
You got up at 2:30 and stayed up to finish a Christmas gift--that is so nice! You have put me in the Christmas spirit to aim for all knitted and crocheted gifts again for next Dec. I only did it one time years ago, but it did feel good, you're right.
Nice, or just nuts? I'm still not sure.
But it did feel awfully good. :-)
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