Once Upon A Time in Mohair

You already know I tend to get a little obsessive about the things (meaning yarns) I like. I throw myself with great abandon into projects that demand total and complete fidelity to one type of yarn for a very very long time. (Think The Great EZ Garter Stitch Blanket that is still in progress.)
Well, back in the beginning of my return to knitting, mohair was my one true love. And not just mohair but mohair in shades of rich blue and purple. Sometimes I knitted it up alone into numerous triangle shawls and throws that were foisted upon my unsuspecting friends. Sometimes I knitted the mohair with sparkly carry-along yarns that totally delighted my bling-loving eye. I fancied myself the Colette of central New Jersey and draped the lamps in my office with sparkly mohair scarves and waited for the Muse to waft into the room with stories of hollow-eyed men who smoked French cigarettes and thought deep thoughts.
Instead I ended up moving toward Debbie Bliss Cashmerino and cables but that's another story altogether.
I'm offering today remnants from the Age of Colette: two big fat squishy hanks of Plymouth Outback Mohair in #858 - 220 yards per skein! It's bulky, it's hairy, it knits up fast and actually keeps you toasty warm.
Interested? Send me an email here with MOHAIR in the subject header and I'll pick a winner tonight or tomorrow morning. I'm planning to do it tonight but you never know. Best intentions and all that . . .
Good luck!
Ah, the Outback Mohair - I have nice memories of that yarn. It was one of my first and most passionate loves when you dragged me back into the knitting fold. Although I parted with my stash of it a couple of years ago, I still want to buy it every time I see it. I think it's the colors and the amazing yardage. One of the prettiest swatches I ever knit was done with a strand of Outback Mohair held together with the coordinating color of Outback Wool. Lush and lovely. And a gauge of maybe 1 stitch to the inch - not exactly delicate and drapeable but if you wanted to knit some pretty body armour, that might be the way to go.
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