Friday, November 14, 2008

Secret Rowan Giveaway Because I'm Too Lazy To Photograph Anything

I'm telling you this cold is kicking my sorry butt. I am oatmeal-brained, too headachy and stupid for plain old garter stitch.

I'd take a photo of tomorrow's giveaway yarn but it's beyond my capabilities right now.

So let's just say it's bulky, it's Rowan, and I used lots of it last year and it felts fabulously. I think there are three skeins but maybe only two. They're in the other room and I'm not and won't be unless there's a fire and I have to evacuate. That's how blah I am right now.

If you're a gutsy adventurous type who'll take a chance on winning something totally mysterious, send me an email here with ROWAN in the subject header and we'll see what happens tomorrow night.

Pictures in the morning. Honest. I can't expect you to trust me forever, can I?


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