I really should be embarrassed...
A broken toe is more of an inconvenience than a catastrophe and I was getting around great when The Husband made a running dive to catch a forty pound upright vac that was flying down the staircase under its own steam. He lunged left, vac sailed right, he pivoted, caught the vac but did something ugly to his back.
Moral: Save your back. You can replace a vacuum cleaner. Backs? Not so easy.
So the last few days have been filled with wifely duties, lots of teasing, and lots of knitting while I kept him company upstairs. He's about 80% back to normal and I managed to cast on and complete the gorgeous Burning Embers designed by Kristy Howell.
What a beautifully written, clearly designed, delightfully absorbing project! I can't say enough good things about Kristy Howell or Burning Embers.
Here it is in the just-beyond-cast on stage:

Here it is hot off the needles:

And here it is right now, post-blocking and drying on top of the washing machine:

Next time you see Burning Embers, it will have buttons and be all ready to face the fall with lots of knitterly attitude.
A few details: Knit Picks Harmony US6. Noro Silk Garden #84 - 1.25 skeins.
You have to give this pattern a try!
Labels: Burning Embers, knit picks, Knittyspin, Kristy Howell, Noro silk garden