Sunday, August 05, 2007

Caveat Knitter

Beware Ravelry all ye who expect to get anything other than knitting-related stuff accomplished after entering their glittering portals.

OMG! It is beyond wonderful. It makes me feel all super-organized and on top of things. Even my stash. (And being on top of my stash is akin to being on the summit of K2.)

I tried to copy a print screen of the Books section for you but so far no luck in saving it to JPG or BMP.

I urge you to put your name on the list (pretend it's 1979 and you're trying to get into Studio 54) (although why anyone would ever wait on line for the pleasure of having some bouncer say you're not hot enough to play with them is beyond me) and wait patiently for your number to be called. It's well worth it. (And it's an egalitarian wait, strictly chronological.)

There's a real energy to the place; you can feel the powerful surge of knitterly strength bursting the cyberseams.

I was dubious at best initially. I can't say I particularly cared one way or the other about joining in.

Boy, am I ever glad to be wrong.

BTW, we're talking about Ravelry.

And for being so generous and allowing me to jump up and down and rave about Ravelry, here's another wonderful on-line knitting vendor. Jimmy Beans Wool ships at the speed of light and has one of the best collections of patterns I've ever seen. Lots of Knitting Pure & Simple top downs, Oat Couture, Fiber Trends, all the stuff I love. And Kureyon! Click here to see what I mean.

I didn't quite get as far on the top-down cardigan as I'd hoped but I made some progress.

And yes, I would have made more if I hadn't been sucked into the Ravelry madness . . .


Blogger Nicole said...

Eeek! Ravelry owns me. It is every bit as addicting as I had been warned, and then some. Good luck to anyone who has managed to resist the pull...

BTW, Barbara, the Yarnapalooza gifts arrived over the weekend. Thanks so much! The yarn is lovely!!

12:34 PM  

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