Monday, March 19, 2007


After a hiatus of several weeks from knitting, I’m back at work on the swatches for the Masters Level 2 certificate. So far, I’m having no problems with the techniques the swatches illustrate…except for the selvedges in the very narrow strips that are to be seamed together. I cannot do an attractive, even selvedge on a 10-stitch wide strip to save my soul…yet. I’ve made some progress by switching needles and experimenting with small changes in my usual knitting style. My samples no longer look like a one-legged arthritic goose knit them. They’re merely amateurish.

Gotta say though, I’m so ready to knit something fun.


Blogger Barbara Bretton said...

Nosy question, Laura: do they provide you with photographic models to work toward or do you just know it when you see it? Judging by your post it's okay to change needle sizes to achieve a specific effect.

This process fascinates me!

9:13 AM  
Blogger Nancy Herkness said...

Laura, I admire your discipline and ambition. If I tried to do a bunch of 10-stitch swatches and make them look good, I'd be a raving lunatic. Good luck! We're all rooting for you to become a Master Knitter!

3:44 PM  
Blogger LauraP said...

Barbara - Cast-on, the magazine for The Knitting Guild of America has been running articles on the techniques in the masters, and I've seen some good photo examples in those. None yet for my particular trouble spots, but who knows what the next month or two will bring?

Nancy - Thanks, but I think I'm closer to raving than I realized.

7:43 PM  

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