New York!

I'm off! I'm in my writing room, waiting to be picked up to go to the airport. It's the godawful hour of 3:10 in the morning, and I haven't had coffee, but I'M SO EXCITED.
I love New York. So do you, right? Everything about it sings to me. I'm a city girl at heart, and I feel home there.
Tomorrow, I'm meeting with my agent (Susanna Einstein) and my editor (May Chen). Susanna's taking me out for LUNCH. She made reservations.
I cannot get over how glamorous this sounds.
Honestly, this is the dream come true. Is there any way possible that actually having the ARC or book in my hands can be as exciting as this?
Everyone tells me to hold on to this feeling -- that this is the best. I am holding on to every little minute of it (like last night, when my sister gave me an engraved business-card holder for the trip), and this IS the best.
Also, packing for New York in winter includes LOTS of knitting. Three pairs knitted socks, two sweaters (that was hard -- I culled it down from four), two cowls, one scarf, two pair of mittens, and three hats (one is my new Gretel hat, seen above, in handspun).
Oh, boy. Here I go.
Have a wonderful time!
Have fun, Rachel!
Enjoy the Big Apple! It's cold here so you're smart to bring lots of warm stuff. When the wind blows, I swear it's worse than Chicago.
Make sure to leave time to enjoy all the Christmas decorations on Fifth and Sixth Avenues. They're fabulous!
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