Mossy Dreams of Squares and Bobbles
A week or so ago, I made an offer -- $75 for three of my books + a handmade scarf. I wasn't sure anything would take me up on it, but someone actually did. Cool! J commissioned a gift for his wife, A. We discussed options and settled on something a) warm, b) mossy green, and c) contemporary in style. I delightedly picked up some luxurious Misti chunky baby alpaca in a wonderful chartreuse green (little yellow highlights, but also glints of blue), and I was off. Or so I thought.
It was a delight working with such soft yarn, and I got pretty far along on this scarf when I realized that twenty-five stitches across (the same as I'd used in my previous scarf) was just too wide in a chunky yarn. It a) didn't look good, and b) would use up a lot more yarn than was necessary. But mostly, it didn't look good; the proportions were all off. And I wanted this scarf to be nice and long, so the owner could wrap it round her neck a time or two if she wanted. I didn't have the heart to rip it out myself; I asked Kevin to do it while I was sleeping. I came down in the morning to a pile of not-too-tangled yarn, took a deep breath, and set out again with nineteen stitches across. Much better.
I didn't try for anything complex or crazy; I wanted to finish this in good time to send off for a holiday gift, not get tangled in something difficult I didn't know how to do. But I did want to add at least one new element, just to keep myself interested. I kept the squares from my last scarf, but instead of seashells, tried little clusters instead. Not all the way through; just a few near the ends. Easy and fun, and I think they soften the effect of all those squares.

I'm happy with the finished result -- happy enough that I would have been okay with keeping it and wearing it myself. :-) But it's off to J's A on Friday, as soon as I make her a little care tag. It's a little weird sending one of my creations out into the world, with no idea how it'll be received. I suppose it's not so different from publishing stories in that way. Hopefully she'll like it!
I'm happy with the finished result -- happy enough that I would have been okay with keeping it and wearing it myself. :-) But it's off to J's A on Friday, as soon as I make her a little care tag. It's a little weird sending one of my creations out into the world, with no idea how it'll be received. I suppose it's not so different from publishing stories in that way. Hopefully she'll like it!
This is one gorgeous scarf. Was the pattern hard? Where can I find it!
I'll try to write it up!
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