Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Winner #16 . . . and Insomnia Redux

Is it insomnia if you're perfectly happy to be awake and the words are still there? I'm not sure. I probably shouldn't have bothered going upstairs to bed at the ungodly early hour of 1:30 a.m. Once again my brain whirred into action the second my head hit the pillow and within minutes I knew courting sleep was a waste of time. So here I am again, virtuously ignoring my knitting in favor of work.

Except for this blog and our latest winner:

#16 is Knitnana who could be found here. Hooray!

Hope all of you in my time zone are sound asleep.


Blogger Nana Sadie said...

Ohh!! Thank you! I'm so excited! Sock yarn...yummy yummy - perfect for Summer of Socks!

8:42 AM  

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