Tuesday, November 14, 2006


***GUEST PET: Laura Phillips tells us: "Bebe, a working farmcollie, prefers to nap in a dirt hollow by the henhouse where she's close to her responsibilities. She's just over a year old now and is adept at herding poultry, protecting against predators, and providing'interesting' gifts for the entertainment of family and friends. Last spring she learned about snapping turtles. This summer she and the other dogs perfected their armadillo eviction skills. Her most endearing role, though, is that of caretaker. I've seen her shelter a wandering hen beneath her belly to protect her from gang rape by a band of bachelor roosters. She mothers visiting puppies, watches over mama hens and their broods, and keeps the geese from bullying the ducks. She plays a pretty good game of 'mystick', too. "

Please visit Laura's website and make sure you check out her fascinating farm blog. Be prepared for some truly beautiful photos.***

If you haven't entered our contest yet, you still have time. Tomorrow's the day we announce our Grand Prize winner so make sure you stop by.

And remember that's only the beginning. Each week until the end of the year we'll pick another lucky knitter to receive a felt-ish goodie from one of our Romancing The Yarn bloggers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Have you ever considered beign paid to write? If you would like to, we have a lot of projects ready to go. Contact me at scotsd50@yahoo.com for more details.

8:43 PM  
Blogger Barbara Bretton said...

Oh yes, Scotscribe, we have all considered being paid to write. We're all published novelists with active careers. Thanks, though, for thinking of us!

8:49 PM  
Blogger Jamie Denton said...

Laura - Bebe is gorgeous! My mom had a pair of collies, a sable like Bebe and a tri color. I grew up with collies, so they've always got a special place in my heart.

10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! She's so cute! Isn't she so cute?! How did she get soooo cute?

Don't you just wanna pet her cute little ears?

11:08 PM  

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