Tuesday, January 18, 2011

And the Sierra Quatro winner is...

...Sara B. from Claremont, NH! Congratulations, Sara! You are the proud owner of this gorgeous yarn. I'll be emailing you to confirm your snail mail addy. Thanks for visiting RTY!
All other entrants: remember you are still in the running to win the silver heart pendant from my website!

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Saturday, January 08, 2011

Sock Yarn Winner

Lynn R, my DH picked your name out of the well-shaken box. Congratulations. I'll contact you for your s'mail addy so I can get the yarn out to you before it snows.

I've got another ball of sock yarn in the stash (somewhere!) and will keep everyone else's name for another drawing after I finish proofing my galleys.



Thursday, January 06, 2011

Prize: too much yarn for my baby blanket!

My niece had a bouncing baby girl so now I can share pix of the baby blanket I knitted for her. She lives in Florida so I wanted a cotton yarn in sunny colors. I found this gorgeous Cascade Sierra Quatro in Color #80, a combination of buttery yellow, mint green, and rose. It's 80% Pima Cotton and 20% wool and washable. Perfect for a Sun Belt Baby!

I found this fast-knitting pattern for free here: http://www.theyarncottagefairhope.com/patterns/4ballblanket.pdf . I'm a sucker for a basketweave.

Here's the closeup of both sides, which are different from each other, but equally attractive, IMO:

Here's the whole blanket. I expanded the dimensions slightly so it would be useful a bit longer.

And here's your prize because I overbought yarn for the project: two skeins of the Cascade Sierra Quatro, color #80!

Go to my website http://www.nancyherkness.com/ and enter my contest there. Just include the word "yarn" in the comments, and I'll know to enter you in the drawing for this fiber. As a bonus, you'll be entered in my regular website contest for the silver heart pendant.

Good luck and Happy 2011!

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Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Beware the Soul Stealer

Just had to share this:


Funny Pictures - Tangled Web Cat

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Catching Up + Sock Yarn

Oh, my, things are crazy here in Internet-land, and it's taken me forever, it seems, to get back to RTY. Besides finishing all my Christmas-gift knitting, I started a new blog at http://www.DaughteroftheGreatDepression.blogspot.com/ to sort of kick off the release of my new hardback, The Talk of the Town, in September 2011. I wanted to announce it here, but for some reason Google refused to let me sign in to do so. Oh, well, I hope you'll read and follow both blogs now--like you don't have anything better to do. LOL
What else? I've finally joined Facebook. Look me up if you'd like - I'm under my real name, Fran Baker with a new black-and-white photo posted - and send me a Friend request so I can add you to the list when I do another contest.
Okay, down to business and then the sock yarn contest: I changed the covers of two of my eBooks and my company published a new (and gritty) post-Civil War book by Ken Casper. I'd post all the covers but things are still wonky with my log-in here. So feel free to check it all out at http://www.delphibooks.us/ and let me know what you think.

I've posted a photo of the Trekking sock yarn I'm giving away. Please ignore the fact that it looks pink laying on the airplane plant. It's actually a pretty reddish color. If you'd like to enter to win, send an email (and smoosh everything together) with Sock Yarn in the subject line to fran baker 05 at g mail dot com. I'll draw the winner's name and post it here (if I can check in again) on Saturday, January 8.
Let me close by wishing you all a happy and healthy 2011.
Fran Baker

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