Everyone has their favorites...favorite book, favorite t-shirt, favorite TV show, favorite lipstick. I thought it would be fun if we shared some of our favorite knitting-related items. You never know what you might find out about when we all start to share!
Since it was my idea, I'll go first. ;-) Here are some of my favorite knitting-related things, in no particular order.
Favorite Fiber: Definitely alpaca. I'll never forget the time I strolled through a yarn store (The Elegant Ewe in Concord, NH, http://www.elegantewe.com), stroking all the yarns to see which I liked best. I was new to "real" yarn stores at that time, having just moved from a state where yarn stores consisted of WalMart. Hah. So I was in heaven, having a great time testing them all out. I truly expected to fall in love with cashmere or angora, having heard about them all my life; but the one I found the softest and most strokable was alpaca. Who'd ever think the wool from those...um...interesting-looking animals would be so soft?
Favorite Alpaca Yarn: Buckingham from Bristol Yarn Gallery, http://www.plymouthyarn.com/index.php?nav=cYarn.yarn
Detail&yarnid=000279&searchcollection=000014 . It's 80% baby alpaca, 20% silk, and 100% gorgeous! It just begs to be stroked and petted. I've used it twice to make the same pattern 'cause I love it so much: the Seashell Shawl by Kristin Omdahl, http://www.knitnstyle.com/issues/october07_gallery2.shtml , top left picture. It's come out beautifully both times. Here's a picture of one of my shawls blocking:

Favorite Knitting Needles: Bryspun flexible knitting needles, http://www.brysonknits.com/bryspun.htm . I discovered these recently. I was working on a lace project and having all sorts of trouble with k3tog...by the time I'd poke the needle tip through the bottom of the 3 stitches, the top two would have popped off. (sigh) I went to my local yarn store, The Woolery (http://www.nhwoolery.com/) and asked the owner, Deb Degan, what she suggested. She recommended the Bryspun or the Addi lace needles. There was no comparison, price-wise...the Bryspun are much cheaper. So being a cheapskate...er...I mean, being practical, I tried the Bryspun. She even let me try them then and there, in the store, and I was instantly hooked. The plastic shaft of the needle flexes ever so gently, which actually helps if you have arthritis in your hands. Don't ask me how it helps, but it does...I haven't had hand pain while knitting since making the switch. The stitches slide easily on the needles, with just the right amount of "grab" so they don't pop off. And best of all, I like the stiletto-type points with concave tips...they help tremendously when trying to scoop up two, three, or more stitches at one time. I'm a lifetime convert!
Favorite Project (so far) Made With Bryspun Needles: The Wisp Scarf by Cheryl Niamath (http://knitty.com/ISSUEsummer07/PATTwisp.html). I'm making it a bit wider so I can use it as a shawl, I'll leave off the buttons, and do a few extra repeats for added length. I'm using Madil Yarns Kid Seta (http://www.cascadeyarns.com/madil_KidSeta.asp) and oh my, it will be decadent when finished!
Favorite Knitting Pattern Book: Victorian Lace Today by Jane Sowerby (http://www.amazon.com/Victorian-Lace-Today-Jane-Sowerby/dp/
1933064102/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1213801241&sr=1-1). I'm really getting into knitting lace lately, and especially shawls, as you can tell from the projects I've listed above.
Favorite Knitting Pattern From Victorian Lace Today: This book has so many absolutely stunning stoles and shawls and scarves in it, it's tough to decide which one to make first. But I've narrowed it down and decided to try the Curved Shawl with Diamond Edging (you can see a finished one here: http://www.stashknitrepeat.com/category/curved-shawl/). Although you wouldn't know it from the other patterns mentioned, I tend to prefer triangular-shaped shawls rather than rectangular. So this one has that curvy, almost-triangular shape going for it. And the pattern is so unusual...I swear it looks like it was tatted instead of knitted. I bought some drool-worthy 80% alpaca, 20% silk yarn to make it with (Areqipa by Ball and Skein, http://ballandskein.com/zencart/index.php?main_page=index
&cPath=1_5_7&zenid=96a281058c61180051ef8cef9ba49698) in "the blues" colorway. Can't wait to start!
Favorite Felted Knitting Bag Pattern: The Wave Knitting Bag by Shelley Boardman, http://saboardman.tripod.com/id15.html, scroll down to see it on the left. I did it in deep jewel tones, and it came out very nicely. Let's see if I can post a picture:

Okay, that's enough favorites for now, though I could go on and on. I'm anxious to see a few of YOUR favorites!