Sunday, July 16, 2006

Knits 'n' Knots

July 15 marked the sixth anniversary of my mom's death, so I read Barbara's post through tear-filled eyes. I always thought my siblings and I were the luckiest kids on earth to have our mom. It's nice to know that other kids were lucky, too.

I'm a self-taught knitter. (Long story short: I'm one of those going-to-be-early-for-her-own-funeral types married to one of those who-me-late? types, and knitting's better than ulcer medication.) Anyway, being self-taught means I have tension issues. Doesn't mean all self-taught knitters have tension issues. But I frequently find I'm knitting too tight or too loose.

Mmmh, it just occurred to me that the tension issue relates to writing as well as knitting. I'll explore that in a later post. Right now I just want to thank Barbara for inviting me to join the blog. It's a terrific group of writers in search of the perfect yarn.


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